Thursday, May 7, 2009

Emergency Transfer!!!!

"Well, I was transferred!!!

No, I'm not joking, there was a large emergency transfer because in the past two weeks 6 missionaries returned home early...three because of sickness, and three because of disobedience. One of those was Elder McEwen. He was the companion of one of the three assistants to the president. I took his place. Elder Hilliam is my companion and we spend every week traveling the mission doing divisions with everyone. This week I'll be returning to Rio Claro and do divisions there.

This past Tuesday in my interviews the President told me that when he opened up the assistant's callings to have a companion he wanted me to be that companion, but for some reason or another called someone else. But, now, because of these transfers, he put me with the assistant. I'm very excited to be even more involved in the work here than I was. Dividing with the missionaries in our mission will be an excellent experience. Aside from looking after our part of the mission, we have a proselyting area. My new area is called Jardim Amanda and is recognized as the best area in the mission. We live with another companionship, Elder Shattuck and...guess who...Elder Santana (my old companion from Rio Claro!) who also work in Jardim Amanda! We have baptisms there every week.

What's cool, though, was that my last week in Nova Venza, I was able to mark 8 baptisms for this month and get 10 investigators to church! That was our best week there, and certainly Elder Damasceno will baptize all of these people.

I'll leave it at that, because I'll talk to you guys, for the last time in the field, this Sunday. You can call the chapel. All four of us will be there and I'm scheduled for 5 pm Brazil time.

I love you and am excited to talk to you....until Sunday.

Tchau! Elder Christian Larsen

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