Ok, this week has been super full. Let me start out with last Wednesday. After I emailed you, we went to the chapel and I practiced the piano and helped Elder Hillam learn how to play "All of Me" by Jon Schmidt. That night we caught the bus to Campinas and then to Piracicaba. YAY... I love Piracicaba! We slept over at Elder Rossi's house and we did a division with them the next day. Thursday I worked with Elder Gomes, Elder Rossi's companion. A year ago I worked in Piracicaba 8 and did a few divisions in that ward so I know the area. We passed by the chapel, where our ward met with their ward. The chapel has been completely remodeled and expanded. It's hardly recognizable.
About a year ago, just before I was transferred from Piracicaba, in a division in that area, I participated in a family night with a family that would be baptized that week. I was transferred and I heard from someone that they never got baptized. So Thursday, I had the strongest feeling that we should visit them. I had only been to their house once, but I could perfectly remember the way there. We went there and found out that the wife hadn't gone to church for a long time, and that the day before, some pastor confronted her about the church and gave her a big long list of doctrinal questions. We taught her and the spirit was really strong. That day we (all four of us) found 13 new investigators and marked 9 baptisms.
The next day we went to a small town outside of Piracicaba called Capivari. there we worked with Elder Griffiths and Elder Damasio. That was a good division. It wasn't too productive numberwise, but I think it was productive because those elders were very unconfident and timid and I think we left them better off.
Saturday we're planning on going back to Elder Rossi's ward, but Rio Claro 2 (ah! another one of me wards!!) called and told us that their 3 marked baptisms for that week were in jeopardy. We woke up early and caught the bus from Capivari to Piracicaba and then to Rio Claro. Elder Hillam interviewd the husband and I interviewed the wife. Turns out that the man never wanted to be baptized and nearly kicked Elder Hillam out of the house when he found out that we don't accept reincarnation. The woman passed the interview, but even with all I could do wouldn't be baptized without her husband. She was very afraid of him. While he and I interviewed this couple, Elder Correa and his companion taught their daughter who accepted baptism! From there we went to the third interview, but the investigator, an elderly woman fell in the shower the day before, broke her shoulder, will never again be able to move her arm and was hospitalized. The adversary was working overtime in that ward.
That same day we returned to Piracicaba and slept in the vacant house in the 4th ward. It's been vacant for a year and a few weeks ago, someone broke in and stole everything, even the kitchen sink! We only had one mattress and two blankets. I used the mattress and Elder Hillam used the blankets. We were there half to guard the house and half because we need to attend church in the 4th ward to see if they were capable of getting a companionship again. that ward was very excited and friendly. We didn't have lunch so we asked around and a couple eagerly volunteered. That lunch gave me diaherria! That night we went to the 8th ward sacrament meeting. I saw everyone that I love and knew a year ago! That was wonderful! Everyone is still excited and will move back to their old chapel this June after remodeling.
Monday we spent the whole day in the office. Tuesday we went back to Rio Claro to attend their district meeting and here we are today! Wow, it's been a full week.
I included a photo of Elders Hillam, Nunes, Hahne, Pacheco, and Rhodes and myself at a churrascaria today after the leadership meeting. It was delicious! (churrascaria = Rodizio Grill type restaurant).
This week won't be as full, but it will be just as good!
I love you all and know that this church is true!
Elder Christian Larsen
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