Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Small World, Huh!

"You asked what I did on Easter. It was good. We went to church. Elder Miranda went to a baptism of a girl he taught before he was transferred to Campo Grande, so I was with the companion to the zone leader. We had a lunch appointment, then that night we were heading home and we were passing a member's home and it was their daughter's birthday, so we were invited in for birthday cake.

Today we've spent all day in downtown Campinas. Elder Miranda had to have some dental work done and it turns out the dentist is Mormon and studied in Utah and worked with a dentist that had an office at the 5 Points Mall in Bountiful. She asked me where I was from and when I told her, she told me she was familiar with the area. She knew about the Bountiful Temple, Bountiful High School, and even where West Bountiful is. Small world, huh!

We've had a lot of divisions lately. I've been on two with our zone leader Elder Segura, who by the way, is from Draper and, we think, lives in the same stake as your sister Annalee. I went on a third with Elder Lima who goes home in two weeks. He lives in Fortaleza. that one was interesting, because I was left in charge of the area with him as Elder Miranda went to do a baptismal interview. We had five lessons that day....really good! Monday I had my first overnight division. That was really good. I spoke almost completely in Portuguese that day and I'm thinking first in Portuguese now. I feel the language is coming along really well, and everyone says so too.

We had two promising families, but one decided to wait longer, and the other started looking for things about our church on the internet, and well, you can guess what happened. But last night, we taught the golden family---mom, dad, and six (count them 6) kids. They are all extremely open, two of the kids read and prayed about the BOM already and they will be baptised for sure.

Thanks for everything!

Elder Christian

Thursday, March 20, 2008


"Sorry I didn't e-mail yesterday, there was a problem so we had to use the internet today.

So, first guess what? Our shower is broken so we can only take cold showers, but that's not the worst, the entire bathroom and kitchen are electrified so that anything metal shocks us when we touch it. Crazy huh! It's really funny when you stop to think about it. (Note: his parents don't share the same sense of humor regarding this issue!)

So, the baptism last Saturday was great. The spirit was strong and I was really happy. Everything went well. Afterwards we had a Relief Society activity to go to which was really good. I really enjoyed it because I was actually able to interact and have fun. Although I don't speak much Portuguese, it was a real boost to me.

I have a few things to ask of you for a package. The bishop's wife asked me to ask you for an English hymn book. She asked me to teach her the piano so she can play when I get transfered. Also, would you send me a copy of The Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Thank you so much!

The church is true, Jesus Christ lives and loves us. I love you."
Elder Christian

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


"I am still in Campo Grande and still with Elder Miranda. The president said that we will stay in our areas for 5 or 6 transfers from now until he changes his mind. I bet that I'll be transferred next time though. Elder Miranda says that I was the only American greenie not transferred last time. He says that means we are doing good work. The baptism I told you about last week is scheduled for this Saturday. We just got back from a Churrascaria (this is like Rodizio Grill). A member and her husband treated us to it and it felt like home. I am stuffed!!!

Oh, thank you so much for asking my friends to come over and use missionties. That is such a treat to get mail from them. This is important! THE ZIP CODE FOR THE MISSION OFFICE HAS CHANGED. It is now 13010-215. Let everyone know please!

Tell Casey (Casey Bangerter) to bring a pillow, "501 Portuguese Verbs", a big strong umbrella, lots of garments, socks, a small picture book of family, friends, and home, and TWO bottles of PANCAKE SYRUP for Pancake Day at the CTM. The pancakes are good, but only with good syrup! He will be everyone's favorite elder if he has good maple syrup on pancake day. If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.

The language is good. I'm starting to have and understand more conversations. I want to speak correctly. Nobody here does, so it's harder. I hope that someday they transfer me to Estaca Flambouyant where people do speak Portuguese correctly. These past two months have FLOWN by, whereas the two months in the CTM seemed to take forever.

Obrigado tudo" Elder Christian

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Note: We've asked repeatedly if any of the packages we and others have sent had arrived--some he requested and others that we thought he might just like, and we've receive precious little response--until today. They were all sent at different times, and at least one was sent before Christmas. In his mission all the mail/packages accummulate at the mission office until the missionaries are allowed to pick it/them up.

"First thanks for all of the packages--I am pretty sure I have them all. Last Tuesday when we were in the temple, another elder leaned over to Elder Miranda and whispered, 'Your comp has 10 packages in the office, maybe 11 today!' When I heard that my eyes nearly popped out of my head and it took everything I had to keep from laughing! And sure enough, when we went to the office there were 11 packages waiting for me. Everyone wants to be Elder Larsen's comp. We had to hire a taxi to get them all home. All the American food and candy is SOOOOO good. I've cooked the mac and cheese and the ramon and it's wonderful, and easy! But the sour skittles, the sour patch kids, and the clif bars are life savers! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I think you might want to slow down on the packages though. I don't want to be known as a rich elder and I don't want to haul 11 home again. Oh ya, the exec. sec Elder Jankowski said that I broke every record in the book. I can't help but laugh!

I can't believe that Richard (Elder Richard Higgenson) met Sister Pierce's family! HOLY COW!
I will see her this Friday, so it will be fun to tell her, that is if she doesn't already know. (Note:
Elder Higgenson, one of Christian's classmates is serving in the Washington Kennewick mission where Sister Pierce lives. Sister Pierce is serving with Christian in Brazil. Small world!)

We have a baptism coming up this Saturday. His name is Giovanni and he is perfect! He called the referral number 6 months ago and asked for a BOM, but the missionaries couldn't find his house and then our area was closed so he didn't get it until now. He is super excited about the church, is reading the BOM all the time, and has already read the entire March Liahona. We gave it to him on Sunday. He doesn't have any problems. He is ready!

Obrigado, Elder Christian"