Thursday, February 28, 2008

Transfer/No Transfer?

Tue. Feb. 26

"I made it through my first transfer. Today is pday instead of Wednesday, because they have new elders arriving today--so instead of missing a day of proselyting, they have today as pday and tomorrow as proselyting. (Note from his parents: He didn't mention a new companion or a move, so we think everything's still the same).

I'M SO DANG EXCITED THAT CASEY GOT CALLED TO BRAZIL!!!!!! (Note from his parents: For those of you who don't know, Casey Bangerter is a member of our ward and grew up with Christian--just a few months younger and has been called to Brazil Fortaleza Mission). He and I will be able to speak Portuguese to each other when we return. It is hot in Fortaleza, but it has a coastal wind. I'm told the language is harder there because they speak really fast.

The language is coming better. I can understand about half and speak about a fourth which is quite amazing when you realize I've only been here six weeks. Everyone is amazed when they find out I've only been here that long. The ladies that work at the deli at the supermarket are funny in particular. They say, 'What beautiful Portuguese he is speaking!' It's funny that everyone who knows any English will try to use it with us. When they ask me to speak in English, I ask them, 'What do you want to hear?' When I translate it for them, they laugh. The gift of tongues is real!

We are teaching Hugo's sister and her family. She and her husband have had some experience with evil spirits in the church they attend. The spirits actually are invited to possess the congretation and then are "exorcised" by the priest who then demands money. He promises blessings if they pay and cursings if they don't. She told us that some years ago she saw three evil spirits and described them to us. We taught her about the Holy Ghost and the Book of Mormon. She prayed about it and awoke in the middle of the night. She saw a figure of some kind and a voice testifying to her that the Book of Mormon was true. Because of her previous experiences she is now afraid and confused because of what the adversary has put her through. This has strengthened my understanding of the nature of this work. We REALLY ARE engaged in a war, a struggle where life and death greater than we know are at stake. Satan is striving to deceive the hearts of men, and angels are preparing the way of the Lord.

You have no idea how much I've learned out here. I chose Alma 26:22 for my missionary plaque which talks about knowing the mysteries of God. That's how I feel, like God is unfolding his mysteries to me right under my nose and I barely have to look to understand. It's quite amazing.

The church is true. Jesus Christ lives!" Elder Christian Larsen

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Cuddly Little House Guest

"I thought you might be interested in the "pet" that has been crawling around our house for the past week"

Sterling's Clone

"Thanks for all you do. I'm working hard down here. The mission is great and we are teaching a couple of families that we really hope to baptise. Right now we are mostly trying to build up the members and gain referrals from them. There is one family that I especially love. I told them that I want to take them home with me after these two years. The mom is the most adorable lady and is so sweet and the son reminds me EXACTLY of Sterling when we were in junior high."
(FYI, Sterling is one of Christian's friends from school).

Message to My Friends at Home

"Oi todos meus amigos! Hi to all my friends!

The mission is good, the church is true! Thank you for all the letters that you've sent. They have been fun to read and I am grateful for them. Please keep writing. Nothing matches a letter! My family has even set up a MissionTies account to send letters more quickly. If you want to ask them about it, please do. I love you all so much and am so grateful for all your letters and support! The church is true! Tchau."

(FYI, MissionTies is a combination email to Brazil/regular mail to the mission home. Instead of two weeks, the letter gets to the mission home in 2-3 days, then he gets it whenever he can retrieve mail. Please call us, his parents, for more information.)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Elder Miranda enduring to the end!

This is a picture of the apartment building where we live.

This is Hugo and his family taken the day of his baptism.

First Baptism/First Dr. Visit

"We had our first baptism last Saturday. It was really great, but the best part happened right before the baptism. My comp had to do a baptism interview in another area. We actually ended up being stranded in that area because the bus wasn't going to leave for another 1/2 hour and it was already time for the baptism. So we called Hugo (the guy we were baptising) and told him that we would be late and he said that he would rather come and pick us up than wait. So he came, picked us up and said, 'I would come pick you up even if you were in Sao Paulo because I WILL be baptised today'. How amazing, what faith!

This week has been loooooooong! I got sick right after I emailed you on Wed. last week. We called Sister Castro Deus (wife of mission president) on Sunday and went to the doctor on Monday and got medicine. It was interesting because here it is standard prodecure to hook you up to an IV to give you medicine, instead of popping a pill like at home. That freaked me out! It was also scary not being able to speak Portuguese to the doctors, but Elder Miranda is awesome! The medicine that they gave me made me really sleepy and I nearly fell asleep on the bus and at lunch so we went home and I slept for a long time.

I can't wait to get the packages. I hope you included peanut butter! But I am most excited to get letters from everyone. Thank you for everything. I love you and can't wait to talk to you again. Tschau. Elder Christian.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

My first zone conference

A picture of one of the sunsets we have here. Pretty cool!

This picture is looking toward the rainforest.
This picture is looking toward Campinas from the hill where the Campinas temple is located.
"This week has been hard. I have been more homesick this week than any other, but the ward is awesome and my comp and zone leaders are awesome. I know why I am out here, so I can endure to the end well. From here, the two years look like an ETERNITY! I can't wait for the time when the pace picks up and the time flies by, but by that time I'm sure I will wish my mission would last longer! But now, I look at it and I've been here three months, and it only feels like two weeks.

We have our first baptism this Saturday. His name is Hugo and he found the church through his girlfriend, but he isn't getting baptised just for her. He is really sincere and really converted and is excited! We are hoping to teach his family and relatives after they come to his baptism.

Last week we did a follow-up and found to our surprise that our investigator's Bible study group had all shown up. That was interesting, but we saw the power and authority given to us by God evident when we stood up and taught them. I don't think I've spoken better Portuguese than when I taught them. This work is real!

A couple of days ago we taught a family and there were three geckos climbing on the wall!

I didn't get to watch President Hinkley's funeral, but I might yet. They didn't have it in my stake, but in the others, they did.

My companion, Elder Miranda, is awesome. He speaks English better that I speak Portuguese and is helping me a lot. There are 12 elders in my district which is also my zone because it is so small. Campo Grande is basically a suburb of Campinas. I am definitely not starving. The ward keeps us fed very well. Every lunch is like a Thanksgiving dinner and I swear I'm eating more here than I ever did back home.

I love you very much and am grateful for all your prayers and help. I can't wait to hear from you again. Ate Mais" Elder Christian."