Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bad,Bad Computer....Great New People!!!

"Alright, this is the third computer I've used trying to send you an email...sorry if this might be short.

Thanks for going to Sterling's farewell. I'm sure he appreciated that. I have another homecoming for you to go to if you want. It's Elder Jankowski. He lives in Riverton and was the mission secretary when I arrived and is a real leader in the mission. I hope you'll go. I don't know when it will be, but he goes home next Tuesday.

The transfer ends today, but nobody will be transferred...or so they say. There are about eight missionaries leaving and only one sister arriving, so there will be some changes this coming week. I highly doubt that I'll leave. I also highly doubt that Elder Rossi will stay through this entire transfer. He has been here for about five months now. We'll see.

This week has been crazy. Maria has been a little sick, but she's been getting better. But, we've met a lot of new, great people.... 14 to be exact. I can see a lot of baptisms on the horizon, if we can just excercise our faith and focus on their needs. I'd appreciate it if you would pray for our success.

How is everyone? I can't email anyone else today, because I've already gone over our one hour limit. Tell everybody I'd like to hear from them. I have to go now. Thanks for everything.

Elder Christian.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Welcome Maria!

"This week was interesting, a little hard because it seemed like we were rejected a lot more and our numbers were really low, but we baptized Maria! I got to do the baptism too. I will also confirm her this coming Sunday! YAY!

Her baptism was great. The happiest moment of the whole week was actually when Elder Rossi and I were cleaning the chapel for the baptism. When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God. I was kinda nervous during the baptism, because it was my first to perform, but all went perfectly. But while we were cleaning, I wrote WELCOME MARIA on the chalk board. When she arrived at the chapel and saw it, she was overwhelmed. I was sitting down so she kissed the top of my head! We took pictures at the baptism that I'll mail to youl

Sunday we had stake conference, but it was a little different. It was broadcast to all the stakes in the states of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Elder Scott and President Eyring spoke. It was perfect for Maria, because Elder Scott spoke about the immense value of women. That God counts their tears and that they have such great value that they should never discount. It was really good for her, because she used to be really negative, especially about herself. But, now, she's changing for the better.

It's getting cold here (only 60...we're wimps here in Brazil), but we have extra blankets to use. I use the raincoat you sent as a jacket and it works great. My favorite time now is study time before we leave, because I get to wear my hoodie and it's so comfy and warm.

I love you and pray for you and am working hard. I know this is the work of the Lord.


Elder Christian

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"Let Elder Larsen Talk"....

"We have a baptism this Friday. Her name is Maria and I don't think I've met anyone so negative about herself. It's been hard keeping her excited and courageous enough to be baptized, but I know that after her baptism things will change for the better. I've promised her that about a million times. I am grateful for one family in this ward... Maria Alves and her family, who live down the street and who are a big influence in motivating and supporting her.

Sunday was really interesting. The pianist didn't show up in time so I was playing the prelude music. As I was playing, the bishop asked me if I could speak. Well, I told him sure, a little hesitantly ya know, and in between the first and sacrament hymns I searched for something to talk about. I was super nervous and even when I took the sacrament my hand was shaking. It was kinda funny! Well, I gave my talk wonderfully, no problem (I don't know if everyone understood me, because when I'm nervous my accent is stronger) but many people complimented me and I felt good about it. But after church I learned that the bishop had asked Elder Rossi, my comp, to speak and that he had said, 'Oh Elder Larsen loves to give improvised talks...let him do it'. Holy Cow!!! I was mad for only a split second and then it just seemed funny.

Thanks for going to Elder Segura's homecoming. I'm glad you could meet him. He is awesome.

We had interviews with Pres. Castro Deus on Friday. That was really good. I love him and am grateful for him.

I know that this work is the work of the Lord, that Jesus Christ lives and loves us and helps us in every aspect of our lives as we are worthy and look to Him. I'm excited and happy and well. Today I'll have time to write to people so everyone can sit easy.

I love you. Elder Christian

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Curitiba Temple Dedication

"OH GUESS WHAT?! We got to participate in the Curatiba Temple dedication. Cool huh! It was broadcast to stake centers across Brazil. President Monson and Elder Nelson spoke and Pres. Monson dedicated the temple. We saw the cornerstone ceremony and everything. I remembered the Nauvoo Temple dedication when we sang "The Spirit of God" and waved the white hankerchiefs...except this time it was sung in Porguguese! The translator for Pres. Monson (whom I met in the CTM, he was in the presidency) was having a hard time translating everything he said as fast as he said it. The talks, of course, were already written out for him, but the off the cuff stuff outside at the cornerstone wasn't. At the end one of the members here...the shortest lady in the ward...said, 'it's not fair, you understood everything the prophet said'. Well, that's cool!.

We just got back from the temple and I was hoping to see Casey there...but, nope! I saw Zilda though, my old bishop's wife. She says that she misses me and that Campo Grande misses my piano playing in sacrament meeting. It was really good to see and talk to her.

We've scheduled two baptisms! Both are older women. One, Maria, is a little hard to keep animated, but she's quit drinking coffee and her baptism is scheduled for the 14th. The other is named Francisca and she is the mom of a member here. She fed us lunch yesterday. We taught her the first lesson as our message, and we scheduled her baptism for the 21st. Now, we'll work with them to see that these will happen. There is also another family, Patricia and Paulo, whose children have all been baptized, but they haven't because they need to get married. We went there yesterday and they agreed to take care of that. She really wants to be baptized and we are praying that he will follow her example and be baptized as well.

Thanks for all the packages, my zone is so envious of me. I'll share for sure. We are eating those mac and cheeses for sure! The hoodie is greatly appreciated, as are the pants and the jacket. The jacket works well with an umbrella. It's not very cold here, only like 65 degrees, but I guess I've been here for too long, because I'm getting cold. But, with these things, I won't feel it at all.

Well, I have to's late because of the temple and I'm super hungry. Keep praying that we'll have baptisms and that I'll be able to climb these hills.

I love you
Elder Christian