Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This Week....A Twofer


Wow...I am shocked. I honestly didn't know Shilo very well and didn't know Micah (the Edwards girls) at all, but I grew to love the Edwards' on our trip and obviously she grew to love us too. She shared a very personal experience with you. If I were there, I'd visit them and give them a hug myself. So, send a hug, as the Brazilians say, to Lee Anne and Dale.

Oh, ya and I'm shocked that Megan (Fisher) is getting married! Oh, my heck!

This past week was difficult...our results turned out low and it seems like everyone was discouraged, but this week has started out great! I gave a training on the B of M yesterday and challenged everyone to use it much more in their teaching, even in the first lesson before they've explained about it. Everyone was weirded out and thought the practices were difficult, but I put it in practice yesterday and nobody denied our invitations. One man accepted the baptismal invitation firmly and three others were like that one king in Acts who said to Paul, 'thou almost persuadeth me to be a Christian.' But no one denied our invitations. I felt like we were teaching with much more power and authority. We'll perfect this technique and it will make a difference in our missions!

Elder Dunn is alright. I have to say, it has been a battle to keep his spirits up and it surely isn't only because he's a greenie. But this will be an important step in his personal progress. His first baptism is this Friday. Wanderson's little brother, Wellington will be baptised by Elder Dunn.

I've received one package this whole transfer, and that was at the very beginning. I got a letter from the postman that said one package was not admitted into the country and I assume that it was the one with the DVDs and garments. I think it should be on it's way back to you.

(Note: Last week's letter above came attached to this week's below)

Sorry about the email, I don't know what happened, but what I wrote last week is posted above this one.

I got two packages last week because the president came and did interviews. I'm starting to think that they don't give the packages every week, just the letters. I also got a package from Chaz. Go and thank him for that please and tell him I'll write him today. I did not get the package with the DVD's. I believe that was sent back to you, as I mentioned above. A few things that I really appreciated and hope you might send again were the Mrs. Cavanaugh's turtles and the assorted Jelly Bellies that Chaz sent. I hope you'll send more turtles, because the Brazilians with whom I live filched two, or three or six and now they're all gone.

Yesterday something really cool happened. A woman called Elder Carvalhal's chapel and he happened to be there. He answered and she started crying and telling him about her marriage problems and that she wanted the missionaries to come by. She found the church on the internet and then looked up the chapel's number in the phonebook. These are not coincidences! They must be elect!! They live in our area so we went there last night and taught them about family prayer, family scripture study, and gave them a B of M. They'll read and pray together and will go to church on Sunday. They are a really good family. I pray that we'll do everything right so that here in March they'll have a strong marriage and be baptized. Their names are Viraldo and Jilvana. They have two little sons Guilherme and Vinicius. Pray for them and put their names in the temple.

We've also met a few other families...none of whom are married and will have to get married, but all of whom accepted baptism. Please pray for them as well. One is Suele and Leandro. They have three small children Nayaara, Leadro, and Lucas, all under eight. They go hungry often and their parents are looking for work. Please pray that they'll find good work and won't have to work on Sunday, and that they can get married. Another family is a reference from our mission president. I don't know how he got this but he gave it to me and we went and taught them. It's Carlos and Nara, with Mateus (10), Pablo (9), Amanda (6) and Joao (5). Their biggest problem will be marriage. Yet another is an inactive woman who will now return to church. Her son-in-law and daughter accepted baptism, but must be married and that will be difficult as he lost all of his documents. Pray for Jose, Wilma, and Zenilda (the less active).

The Lord is blessing us so so much! The mission will try to baptize 300 people in March. We need to baptize at least four to reach that goal. I want to reach the new mission standard and baptize 10. That's our goal and if we are able to help these families and meet yet others, then we'll reach it.

I love you and am happy! Tschau Elder Christian

1 comment:

Megan Emmalee said...

Oh this letter makes me happy! It sounds like Christian is doing well (other than the moldy pillow cases....haha). Hopefully he will get my letter soon! I sent it about 3 weeks ago. Sure do love and miss him!