Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oy Veh!

"Oi familia,

First, I want to say that almost all of the baptisms fell through. We still have one marked for this Saturday, but he has real Word of Wisdom problems that we're working on, but he'll get over them. They fell through because they didn't go to church. I was so excited. We were finally seeing some major results from all our hard work, but then they all went away. I know this is just a trial of our faith, and it's impossible for me to stop working so we continue, enduring to the end.

Last night we taught Antonio, Roseli, and Jader and invited them to be baptized. We taught them an inspired lesson about the priesthood and bore powerful testimony. The spirit was there. She rejected even before I could invite her, but I still invited them and they rejected. We said the final prayer and in the prayer Elder Nodal and I both felt an overwhelming peace
and we knew that we had fulfilled our purpose with them. Afterwards, I bore testimony of the Savior in a way that I felt to be as powerful and personal as the testimony of Pres. Castro Deus. It's hard to describe, but it was a powerful confirmation.

Our zone leaders (with whom we live) are going to get a washing machine! That's exciting!

We're going to carve jack-o-lanterns today...out of watermelons! I got your Halloween package and it was amazing. You really put a lot of work into that package and we all appreciate it. Everyone is amazed at how well you pack the packages.

Dad, everyone here says Obama is winning...uh oh!

I noticed something credit card says it expires this month. That is weird because I've only had it for one year, but maybe you should check that out. I drew out a whole bunch of money because the rate is super good...almost 2.5 to one. So, I have that as backup, but I know I can get by on just my mission money for awhile. You might want to call the bank.

I don't know what more to say than we are working hard, always, and that I know this is the work of God. I know that Jesus Christ lives and is my Savior. I love Him and I love you all. Ate mais!

Elder Christian

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