Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Companion, Same Joke, Pancakes

First...FELIZ ANIVERSARIO PAPA!!!! Parabens pravoce, nessa data querida, muito felicidades, e muitos anos de vida!! (that's the same song they sing at Rodizo!) haha! Happy Birthday!

Alright so we tried the pancakes and they turned out great! We held a a family night at a members house and we made pancakes..(well actually, she made the pancakes after we totally burned them! That family is SO SO wonderful) Everyone loved them, especially the maple syrup. The maple butter was completely eaten. I don't know why, I think the syrup was better...but for some reason we can't get it to be thick. What do you think we need to do? Anyway, they taste great and that was a fantastic idea to send those....thank you.

We pulled the prank on Elder McEwen and it worked perfectly...the past week he's been saying to himself...'Ela fala....Ela fala' or 'She speaks, she speaks!" It was really funny. He was already to baptize her and when she started singing, he just looked straight at me with the nasty ''Oh you' look. But I have to say he's the best companion I've had yet. I relate better to him than to any of the others. We're going to do a lot of good together. He's been out 10 months and he's our district leader here. He's a little funny, because he zones out a lot. He's definitely one that I want to keep in touch with.

This week we've been talking to more people than ever before. We've almost literally stopped every person we've passed on the street and talked to them. It's been quite amazing. I'm grateful that Elder McEwen is so comfortable and driven to talk to EVERYBODY. That is what I was hoping for in my companion when the transfer came around, because that's what I need the most help in. What has also been fun has been to see how well I've handled being the only one here who know what's what. Being new, he doesn't know who we've taught or where things are. I've had more responsibility and it's been fun. Sunday felt like home with a million different people swirling around me asking me questions and me finding out how I could help. In other works, it's been busy, and busy is good.

Tchau, tchau! Elder Christian

1 comment:

Gwen said...

Don't you just love letters like this. Sounds like he's doing so well.

- G. Rich, Morgan, Utah