Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"Let Elder Larsen Talk"....

"We have a baptism this Friday. Her name is Maria and I don't think I've met anyone so negative about herself. It's been hard keeping her excited and courageous enough to be baptized, but I know that after her baptism things will change for the better. I've promised her that about a million times. I am grateful for one family in this ward... Maria Alves and her family, who live down the street and who are a big influence in motivating and supporting her.

Sunday was really interesting. The pianist didn't show up in time so I was playing the prelude music. As I was playing, the bishop asked me if I could speak. Well, I told him sure, a little hesitantly ya know, and in between the first and sacrament hymns I searched for something to talk about. I was super nervous and even when I took the sacrament my hand was shaking. It was kinda funny! Well, I gave my talk wonderfully, no problem (I don't know if everyone understood me, because when I'm nervous my accent is stronger) but many people complimented me and I felt good about it. But after church I learned that the bishop had asked Elder Rossi, my comp, to speak and that he had said, 'Oh Elder Larsen loves to give improvised talks...let him do it'. Holy Cow!!! I was mad for only a split second and then it just seemed funny.

Thanks for going to Elder Segura's homecoming. I'm glad you could meet him. He is awesome.

We had interviews with Pres. Castro Deus on Friday. That was really good. I love him and am grateful for him.

I know that this work is the work of the Lord, that Jesus Christ lives and loves us and helps us in every aspect of our lives as we are worthy and look to Him. I'm excited and happy and well. Today I'll have time to write to people so everyone can sit easy.

I love you. Elder Christian

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