Saturday, February 9, 2008

"This week has been hard. I have been more homesick this week than any other, but the ward is awesome and my comp and zone leaders are awesome. I know why I am out here, so I can endure to the end well. From here, the two years look like an ETERNITY! I can't wait for the time when the pace picks up and the time flies by, but by that time I'm sure I will wish my mission would last longer! But now, I look at it and I've been here three months, and it only feels like two weeks.

We have our first baptism this Saturday. His name is Hugo and he found the church through his girlfriend, but he isn't getting baptised just for her. He is really sincere and really converted and is excited! We are hoping to teach his family and relatives after they come to his baptism.

Last week we did a follow-up and found to our surprise that our investigator's Bible study group had all shown up. That was interesting, but we saw the power and authority given to us by God evident when we stood up and taught them. I don't think I've spoken better Portuguese than when I taught them. This work is real!

A couple of days ago we taught a family and there were three geckos climbing on the wall!

I didn't get to watch President Hinkley's funeral, but I might yet. They didn't have it in my stake, but in the others, they did.

My companion, Elder Miranda, is awesome. He speaks English better that I speak Portuguese and is helping me a lot. There are 12 elders in my district which is also my zone because it is so small. Campo Grande is basically a suburb of Campinas. I am definitely not starving. The ward keeps us fed very well. Every lunch is like a Thanksgiving dinner and I swear I'm eating more here than I ever did back home.

I love you very much and am grateful for all your prayers and help. I can't wait to hear from you again. Ate Mais" Elder Christian."

1 comment:

Merrill Family said...

Richard and Debra,
Thanks for sharing Christian's mission experience with us on the blog. We look forward to each update. We just sent him another letter and he's in our prayers daily.