Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Bishop Called....At Last!


This past week was very difficult, but it was very good as well. I learned a lot.

First off, I think what happened with Vania moving hit me harder than I thought it would. I just couldn't believe that everything was going so well, and then she moved! I got really discouraged this past weekend because of it, but Sunday the new stake president visited our ward to call a new bishop. We've been without a bishop for two months. I felt a very strong confirmation that he was called of God to be our stake president. He said some wonderful things in the sacrament meeting. He told us that this ward has passed through some trials, but the time is not far away when the chapel will be filled! The Spirit made me remember when I was sent here in December. At that time Pres. Castro Deus told me he felt very strong about my transfer. The Spirit whispered that I was sent here now because my testimony and myself are both strong enough to be here and help this ward in this, the most trying period in the history of the ward. I felt very comforted and very ready to lead my district, to work in this ward and to be better than ever!

I'm very happy and now I'm gonna go home and rest. I need a haircut but that can wait until next pday. Tchau!

Ate mais! Elder Christian

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